I am from National Instruments.
My customer is using the Video master(software), with a digitizer hardware of NI PXI-5122(NI Hardware).
He has two sets of PCI-5122 and video-master software environments. When he ran the program, only one environment returns an error. The error was from the NI-scope driver's API, which is usually caused by the hardware task is not completed before the timeout setting.
Since the LabVIEW function(sub VIs/APIs) are created by the MicroLEX, the VI code is locked and we cannot see how it's programmed. The VI called "VideoMASTER aquire.vi" has the input parameter of "Trigger on Video Signal?".
The customer sets the parameter to be "True" for the use of the trigger.
However, it does not seem working. Since it's returning the error -1074126845.
This error means that the application is not being able to finish the task in time.
Could you please investigate and tell me why this error occurs.
I already have asked the customer to replace the PCI-5122. And the replaced hardware also returned the error, so it's not the problem of the hardware..
Also, the video signal is actually sending the trigger, which I have asked the customer to test since the trigger signal might not be there. However, he told me that the trigger signal itself is not a problem.