I bought Iball Webcam Face2face C8.0 model a few months back and I have problems with my mic.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about iBall Face2Face Webcam C8.0
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I bought Iball Webcam Face2face C8.0 model a few months back. Its picture quality is good, but its mic is not working that is why I am unable to make video calls. Its CD driver which came with it could not be installed. Every time I try to install, the result comes as a failed installation. It would be great if anybody could solve this problem.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (79.9k points)

Try to obtain a new version of the drivers. Use the website and download the driver based on your computer's architecture (32 or 64bit). Probably you're trying to use the CD in an unsupported environment.

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