This application is hanging. What could be the problem?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about CopyTo Synchronizer
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I just loaded C2S 3.31 a few days back and am trying it out for the first time. After reading the help files and selecting my options. I tried a file compare between two test folders. The preview window pops up, the progress dialog comes up and says 98% binary comparing and then does nothing. I cannot neither pause nor cancel the program and I have to use task manager to close the program. This happens every time the programs analyses an Excel file. I'm quite foxed and cannot figure out what went wrong? I uninstalled and reinstalled but no progress.

By the way, the first time I started the program, the properties box did not display the words properly and showed only squares and question marks. After closing and opening, it showed up the words properly.

I need help as I think it is a very good and useful program.



1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)
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It is most likely that the application has some bugs when it handles Excel files. Try to uninstall it and download a new version of the application. Another fix is to attempt to run the tool with Administrator rights. If the application needs to access files that have other security settings, it could be possible that the program is hanging because of this setting.

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