I can't solve a level in Kwazi's Quest mode.

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Mah Jong Quest™
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I am still in Kwazi's Quest and have reached a screen where dragon tiles are grouped in two's across the top and the rest of the tiles are arranged in an arch underneath. I have tried to solve it again and again without success. I am quite frustrated as I've been able to solve all the others. Is there a secret? I am just about to throw in the towel since I believe this is insolvable. I'm thinking of trying to get my money back from the developers!

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Even if you are in the Kwazi's Quest mode, try to use the Hint system. It will give you small clues of what to do next. Kwazi's Quests are specifically designed to be harder than the usual ones and it requires additional focus on the game to finish them. You need to reach customer service if you want your money back.

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