How to update Realtek High Definition Audio Driver?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about Realtek High Definition Audio Driver
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How to update Realtek High Definition Audio Driver?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (193k points)

In order to update your Realtek High Definition Audio Driver, you need to go to Realtek Downloads page, check the provided box, click Next, select your operating system and the desired file format and click on UK1, US1, CN, US2, US3 or HK1 link from the end of the table. Save the file to your computer and after that, press Windows + Pause/Break key combination and open Device Manager. Expand the Sound, video and games controllers list, right-click on your audio driver and select Update Driver Software. Use the Browse option to navigate to the downloaded package, select the driver and install it following the on-screen instructions.

0 votes
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Dear sir you can download tha update and driver from which is very good

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