Counter-Strike 1.6 problems.

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asked by about Counter-Strike
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I cannot see any server in my Counter-Strike 1.6. Can you help?

5 Answers

+2 votes
answered by

1.Open your Counter Strike 1.6 2.Click on "Find Server" then "Favorites"...after that click on "Add a server" then copy this ip "" and past it in the "Add a server" box. Click on OK then you will see a server in your favorites, double click on the server and join it, then you will see many Player from around the world in that server

+1 vote
answered by

why iam playing lonely thers no one only me? please tell how to do to play on team!!

+1 vote
answered by

how can i play online free??

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)
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Firstly, make sure you're connected to the Internet. Also, configure your security program and Windows Firewall to allow Counter-Strike to communicate. After that, click Internet from the Find Servers menu and you should be able to see a list with Counter-Strike servers. If you want, you can use Google search engine to find servers where you can join. In order to connect to one of these servers, you will need to press the ~ key, to type connect and to enter the server address (IP:Port).

–1 vote
answered by (12.7k points)

Your Internet Speed might be Low... OR The contact with Master Server might be Absent...

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