I can't launch the browser.

–4 votes
No avatar asked by (130 points) about Firefox
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When I open the browser, I receive The procedure entry point_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll message. What can I do?

5 Answers

0 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

If the problem appears after installing or upgrading the Mozilla Firefox browser to version 3.5 (or later) operating under Windows XP, the problem is due to a Windows Vista driver (dwmapi.dll) installed in a Windows XP OS at folder system32 by mistake (faulty install program). Delete that dwmapi.dll file to fix the problem.

0 votes
answered by (12.7k points)

This error is caused by a 3rd party utility or applcation overwriting your msvcrt.dll with a different version.

For example if a windows vista version of this DLL was copied on to a windows XP computer you would probably get this error.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

In order to fix the issue, I suggest you upgrade the browser to the latest version. Also, you can find and download the msvcrt.dll file in (C:) > Windows > System32 folder using Google search engine. Another solution is to run the Dll-Files Fixer which is developed to solve all .dll related issues.

–4 votes
No avatar answered by (130 points)

Thats a known problem after installing or upgrading the Mozilla Firefox browser to version 3.5 (or later) operating under Windows XP... Solution: http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?locale=mr&comments_parentId=417674&forumId=1

–4 votes
No avatar answered by (130 points)

I found this answer. Just go to (If you're using windows XP) "C:WindowsSystem32" directory and delete DWMAPI.DLL if it's there. This file belongs to windows vista and shouldn't be on Windows XP.

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