I can't join a game because it is asking for configuration.

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asked by about Garena
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I already followed all necessary advices from all Garena forums and reviews. I can't start or even join a game. I am always asked for configuration. I did all what the forums and reviews suggests, but still in the settings there is no menu for normal mode or enhanced. Can you help?

3 Answers

0 votes
No avatar answered by (1k points)

Friend, To help you on this matter, please post if there's any error message and wich game u're trying to play!

0 votes
No avatar answered by (160 points)

if u r playin counter-strike den u need a special setup which u can download from isohunt.com if u r playin warcraft den u need necessary version (currently 1.23) which u can download frm garena forums or jus type latest warcraft version in google

configuration is needed.u need to specify the path where u hav your game in computer!!!

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

In order to fix the problem, remove the program from your PC (Control Panel > Uninstall a program), reboot the computer and then download and install its latest version from the official website. After that configure your security program and Windows Firewall to allow the utility to communicate. If the issue persists, try contacting the official support team.

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