I paid to have eMule program and it doesn't work. It seems that there is a problem between Windows Vista and the program. What can I do?

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No avatar asked by (120 points) about eMule
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I paid to have eMule program and it doesn't work. It seems that there is a problem between Windows Vista and the program. What can I do?

2 Answers

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answered by

eMule is a free Open source program, you shouln't have paid it, you have been thru a crook machinery

eMule is at sourceforge , a repository for open source program

the official website at sourceforge is http://sourceforge.net/projects/emule

the real eMule is one of the community choice award of 2008 http://sourceforge.net/community/index.php/landing-pages/cca08/

And as special price : "Most Likely to Get Users Sued by Anachronistic Industry Associations Defending Dead Business Models "

0 votes
No avatar answered by (132k points)

You shouldn't have paid for eMule because it is a freeware application. I suggest you to run the utility using Administrator rights. Right-click on its icon and select Run as Administrator option. If it doesn't work, go to the official web page and download and install the latest version of the program. It is compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on both 32 and 64-bit architecture.

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