How to restore view to see trace view, Header window and the directory browser at the same time?

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asked by about SeiSee

At some point seisee view has lost its setting and now it is not possible to see the seismic, the header window and the directory browser at the same time? Everything else works fine, only the display is non-conforming
Where seisee stores these user settings. we tried to uninstall and install seisee, but that didn't help.

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (94.5k points)

To restore the view to see the trace view, header window, and directory browser at the same time in SeiSee for Windows, you can try resetting the user settings. The user settings are typically stored in a configuration file or registry key. You can try searching for any configuration files related to SeiSee and deleting or resetting them. Additionally, you can try contacting the software developer for support on how to reset the view settings. Uninstalling and reinstalling the program may not solve the issue if the user settings are preserved during the uninstallation process.

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