I'm trying to get a download for Roger Self Help Software but a message comes up asking me if I want to run "siinst. exe", together with a warning that it may harm my computer. What's going on?
That is a standard warning message that appears when you download and install applications on the Internet. Siinst.exe is the SoftwareInformer client which is a safe tool to use that provides updated for the software installed on your computer. It seems that you have clicked on the wrong link. The actual link that leads to the actual software is on the same page.
I can't download the file it keep asking me to run the free scan for drivers and after I did that it repeat the same screen !
The Software Informer page provided by Alex Urbach offers you to proceed to the official developer's website. If you still can't find it, here's the official download URL: http://downloads.rogershelp.com/mirrordl/SelfHealing-Update-current.exe