How to get my UA-5 to connect my turntable and tape deck to my new iMac computer?

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My UA-5 is now 18 years old. I just bought a new computer (iMac) and everything works fine except I cant get the turntable and tape deck inputs to work through the UA-5 to the new computer.

1 Answer

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answered by (85.3k points)

To connect your turntable and tape deck to your new iMac computer using the UA-5, you may need to check if the UA-5 is compatible with your iMac's operating system. Make sure you have the necessary drivers installed for the UA-5. Additionally, ensure that you have the proper cables and connections set up between the UA-5, turntable, tape deck, and iMac. You may need to consult the user manual or support resources for your UA-5 to get specific instructions for connecting audio devices to your computer.

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