How do I generate a timetable for school where classes are split in and have the same timetable?

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asked by about aSc TimeTables
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how do i generate a timetable for school where classes is split in a and b and have the same timetable.

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (100 points)
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First determine the number of classes and available items. Then distribute items between classes, considering their difficulty level and time constraints. I also did with a book reading schedule like beowulf used for this. Pay attention to the even distribution of objects and breaks between them. Use special tools or programs to automate this process to make the task easier. Consult with teachers and administration to accommodate their needs and preferences.

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No avatar answered by (101k points)

Yes, you can generate a timetable for a school where classes are split into groups like "A" and "B" and have the same timetable using the "aSc TimeTables" software for Windows. The software allows you to create customized timetables for schools with various scheduling requirements. Simply input the necessary information and the software will generate a timetable based on your specifications.

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