I lost my Photo vault password, how can I recover my photos or change my password?

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asked by about Photo Vault Pro
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18 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (100k points)

commented by (100 points)
wow is true is worked i got my all pic ....
commented by (100 points)
do not do this, this not only did not work but I completely lost the files now
0 votes
answered by

commented by (100 points)
Where can i find the option 'tool' in vault...
commented by (100 points)
hit the menu button... you'll see tools...
asked Sep 25, 2014
edited Sep 30, 2014 by
I can't see tools in Vault? Where is it located?
commented by (100 points)
reshown by
Mine won't let me clear data or force stop. What do you recommen? It's an Android.
asked Aug 6, 2018 by John Engle How do you unlock the code to the vault
0 votes
answered by

0 votes
answered by

asked Nov 2, 2015
edited Nov 4, 2015 by
Android mobile not working.
0 votes
answered by

asked Feb 14, 2014
edited Aug 21, 2014 by
Vaulty application malfunction.
0 votes
answered by

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answered by

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asked Jan 28, 2015 by thirish
edited Feb 11, 2015 by
Recovering photos or change password in PhotoVault.
0 votes
answered by

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