How can I renew my license because it expired?

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asked by about ASSISTAT
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I have renewed my license multiple times in the past. It was always for free. Now it refuses to renew, no matter what I do. What can I do? I need a program with Tukey's test as well as Duncan's test in there. Please help urgently. I have Assistat version 7.7

2 Answers

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No avatar answered by (329k points)

You should contact the developers of ASSISTAT because there might be a problem with the software. I tried to download the software on my PC, but the download form is not even working. The only download link leads to a 404 non working page.

However, there is a contact address that you can use to send inquiries to:

0 votes
answered by

Hello, I was able to use the program by changing the system date. Doing what the program thought was in the past.

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