Conversion and download.

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asked by about cell^F
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Hello, I used Image J to analyze cells as well as Cell^F. I am trying to convert my previous images from Image J to Area µm² which I get from Cell^F. Also can you please tell me if I can download the software just so I can analyze photos once the images are already taken? Thank you!

Please advise.

Thank you, Natalie

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (309k points)

Although the software is still available on their official website and a download link is posted as well, an error page is displayed when you want to save the installation package to your computer. I couldn't find a download on Software Informer as well to provide it as an alternative which means that you will have to contact the developers to ask them about the possibility to download the software for your needs.

Luckily, they are still in the business and their website is working as it should, except the download part of the software.

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