Where can I find a version of CombineZP compatible with 64-bit version of Windows 10? Thank you, Allan Hadley, but your website is no longer accessible.
The software doesn't appear to be available anymore. I've checked various websites, but they all linked back to the same website that is not working anymore. I am afraid there is no version of 64-bit available for downloading, nor there will ever be if the official developers don't resume their work.
There are some alternatives to CombineZP, and the most noticeable one is Helicon Focus and provides the same features as CombineZP. You can obtain additional details about it using the following link: http://www.heliconsoft.com/heliconsoft-products/helicon-focus/
I downloaded the software yesterday, and it's working just fine on 64bit Windows 10. Download site
Does NOT work now. Always downloads as if it is a DOC file, despite the .msi file extension, and cannot change this attribute.