Can I import a graph from a PDF file or XLS file and obtain the graph's abscissa and ordinate at any point ?

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Can I import a graph from an Adobe .pdf file or Excel .xls file and obtain the graph's abscissa and ordinate at any point on the graph?

1 Answer

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No avatar answered by (329k points)
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With Vernier's Graphical Analysis software you can import and modify data from various applications including word processing software like Acrobat Reader or spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel.

  • If you want to import from word processing programs : Type in rows of data separating each data point by a tab. Separate columns with Enter/Return. Save this as text.
  • If you want to import from Excel: Run Excel and load or create your spreadsheet. Go to File -> Save As and choose the option Text(tab delimited).

For further information on how to work with the imported data please consult the manual:

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