Bluestacks doesn't start.

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asked by about BlueStacks
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After installing Bluestacks, the window shows "Downloading Game Data" for a very long time. What is the problem?

2 Answers

+1 vote
No avatar answered by (10.9k points)

After installing BLUESTACKS in your PC, perform following steps---

  1. Connect Your PC to a good internet connection.

  2. click on Continue and wait until the data downloading process is complete.

[ in this process the bluestacks window will show you a bar of "Downloading Game Data" which means that it downloading OPEN SOURCE ANDROID OPERATING SYSTEM {150mb-250mb}]

  1. In 2G network it can take 1 to 3 hours depending on your internet speed and in 3G it can take 40 to 50 minutes.

  2. After completing the process activate your Google Play Store account and Enjoy android games and apps in PC.

0 votes
No avatar answered by (193k points)

This is a problem encountered when there is something wrong with your network adapters. I recommend uninstalling the software from your computer, then obtain a new offline package. You can get one through Google. Access the Wiki XDA to download the latest version. After the application has been removed, use CCLeaner and delete everything related to the application. Clean the registry and files and install Bluestacks and it should work. I did the same when I encountered the same error and it worked.

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