Latest questions about "friends list"

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1 answer 217 views
Ex deleted or blocked me on Snapchat, but every couple weeks I get a notification that "EX has added you!". When I open the app and check "Added you" the person isn't there.
asked Apr 29, 2016 by Lassie about Snapchat
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1 answer 325 views
So one of my friend's account all the sudden said pending and I got really nervous. I thought they removed me or something.
asked Mar 1, 2016 about Snapchat
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1 answer 279 views
I added a person on Snapchat. The name comes up on my friends list, but when I click on it, it says "Loading...." underneath it. The person hasn't added me back, but what does the loading mean?
asked Oct 5, 2015 about Snapchat
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1 answer 2.8k views
I accidentally blocked someone on Snapchat, and then unblocked them when I realized what happened. Do they need to re-add me as a friend?
asked Dec 10, 2014 about Snapchat
0 votes
1 answer 324 views
On Snapchat there is a list: snapchatters who added me. But I wonder, are that only the friends who added me?
asked Aug 17, 2014 about Snapchat
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1 answer 159 views
Accidentally I blocked someone who was in my best friend list but 2 seconds later I unlocked him, but still I can't see him in my best friend list.
asked Jul 13, 2014 about Snapchat
0 votes
3 answers 117k views
I deleted and blocked someone on Snapchat, and when I try to re-add them it won't let me because it says I have to unblock them before adding them.
asked Jul 9, 2014 about Snapchat
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