How do I register my email in LINE application on Windows 8?

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asked by about LINE
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I can't find any settings.

21 Answers

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No avatar answered by (193k points)

Please use right click to bring back the settings menu then use the following path to activate email registration: LINE app→[Settings] > [Email Registration].

commented by (120 points)
you are answer is not correct and right click not appearing that menu
right click to bring back the settings menu then use the following path to activate email registration: LINE app→[Settings] > [Email Registration].
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you can find the line setting in your taskbar . click the tiny arrow pointing up says "show hidden icon" there you can see your line app. click on it then there it is . sorry for bad grammar .

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i have seen that but the settings option is deactivated.. how do i enable it

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for windows8 ....where is the settings for line registration for to login

commented by (100 points)
Hi there, Let me know once you get this answer
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answered by This is how you can register. It's so very simple.

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None of these suggestions work. I can not find settings either. There is no tiny arrow pointing up. There seems to be no avenue to enable registration.

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You need to open your line application and use the following path to activate email registration:- LINE app->(Settings)-> Accounts-> email account registration, then type your email address and password after that re-confirm your password and ok after that open your email id

commented by (100 points)
I'm having the same problem as Aiden.  You see, you can't access line settings if you can't login to Line.  I have no mobile device and both Aiden and I are on pc's running widows 8.  I am running windows 8.1, but I think registering for 8 & 8.1 are the same.  They say you can use "line" on a pc without a mobile device, but I'm beginning to believe that you.
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You need to open your line application and use the following path to activate emailYou need to open your line application and use the following path to activate email registration:- LINE app->(Settings)-> Accounts-> email account registration, then type your email address and password after that re-confirm your password and ok after that open your email id

answered Mar 25 by anonymousenter link description herered Mar 25 by anonymous

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How to Register for Line PC

You can easily register for line on PC.

  1. Open your Line account on your “mobile phone”.

  2. Now go to More > settings > accounts > Email Registration

  3. Enter your “e-mail”and “password”.

  4. A verification code will be sent to you “E-mail” ID.

  5. Now enter the “verification code” in your mobile phone and your PC account will be activated.

  6. You can now open your LINE account on your PC with the same “Email and Password”

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this does not work if using a blackberry 10 mobile. Line app is currently not available. any other suggestions to activate for windows 8 os?

asked Aug 31, 2014
edited Sep 8, 2014 by
Signup setting for LINE application.

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