How to delete pictures from the Photofunstudio software without them being deleted from my PC?

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I do not want the pictures from my PC to be available for Photofunstudio and I tried to delete them but the files on my PC ended up being deleted. I had to restore them from my Recycle Bin not to lose them completely.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (264k points)

The solution to this problem is simple: just move the pictures on your PC to a different location while the application is not started. This way, then you start the application, you can safely delete the pictures.

0 votes
answered (7.9k points)

Although the answer was with quite a simple logic, however, the problem in the background still remains. The fun with this is that we need to do: This extract is taken from the following PDF file.

Deleting pictures 1 Select a picture to be deleted in the picture browser. 2 Right-click the picture to open the context menu and select . The picture will be deleted. • You may also delete the picture by pressing the [Delete] key while the picture is selected. • If you delete pictures in the [Category], the pictures will be deleted only from the registration. The original pictures themselves will not be deleted.

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